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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Where Does The Love Go?

Have you remembered how you and your partner first set an eye for each other? What was the feeling like? I suppose it was a feeling that almost got you choked, grasping for words to explain what the feeling was and analyzing why you acted the way you did during your first meeting. It was initially all about gauging and playing "hide and seek" for what is real and what is not. Are the feelings valid? Does he/she worth your time? Should you go with the flow and pretend that you're plainly innocent and vulnerable just to validate what the true intention is? These are just some of the thoughts that go through your mind. If you grasped for words to define what you truly feel then that must be love. Besides, you never really needed words to explain what it was, because love cannot be explained. It is simply felt, and it rides onto so many emotions which most of the time confuses you. Yes it does become confusing always!

As the relationship progresses, both of you tend to be more cautious about each other's space. Up to what extent you think imposing restrictions will be tolerable for the both of you? Most of the time one of you will think that being in a relationship means having to keep up with each other's needs and will consider the relationship to be of valuable possession. Another person will think of it as a commitment and partnership that needs to be nurtured and polished amidst the problems that may come along the way. Problems should always be sorted out and resolved so each of you can move forward.

So why do relationships always have to experience trials and possibly separation? Does happiness really play a big part in deciding whether to leave or not? How do you define happiness anyway? If you have a clear picture of what happiness means to you and how it should be achieved then why give up and run from something that gave you happiness in the first place? Besides, happiness is just a state of mind and its meaning to you constantly changes. I personally think that the common reason why couples separate ways is because they RAN out of reasons to stay together and that is because one of them failed to establish what those reasons are, and the other person got tired of implying the obvious reasons which the other party failed to acknowledge. Now, you get this feeling of being neglected and your efforts having been taken for granted. This circumstance is an appalling feeling which creates insecurities to your part. And leaving was your only escape from not having to experience these insecurities over and over again, which is the last place you would be in. However, some people choose to stay in a relationship despite the fact that they are vigorously struggling to achieve contentment and happiness, because they think that a committed relationship revolves around commitment and you have this principle that love is just second to respect, and you value the companionship more than anything else. Is there love left at this point? - I believe there is little to none. You just got to pull in and emphasize the reasons why you still stick together and hold on to that. Maybe a streak of light will ignite a whole new flame again....

Do you love the person because he/she loves you? Do you love the person because you simply do for no particular reasons? Do you love the person because you're confident that your love can be reciprocated? No matter what the circumstances are, love always goes. Where does the love go? We'll never know, but one thing is for sure it will come again in due time. You just have to wait and at the same time keep on finding it..........